Awaken Body Butter (coffee infused)
Awaken Body Butter (coffee infused)
Awaken Body Butter (coffee infused)
Cita's Pretty Boutique

Awaken Body Butter (coffee infused)

Regular price $14.00 Sale price $25.00 Unit price per


Ingredients: all products are natural and organic

Product is in a 4oz jar but weighs 7.9 oz

100% organic African Shea Butter

coconut oil

olive oil

Sweet almond oil

coffee oil

coffee grounds


Benefits of Coffee for the Hair and Skin. 


  • Reduces hair shedding and said to reduce excessive hair loss because of the antioxidants present in caffeine.
  • Increases hair growth since caffeine promotes blood circulation in the scalp which promotes growth.
  • Known to darken the hair and slowdown the early onset of grey hairs (with frequent and consistent use)*
  • Adds shine and dimension to the hair due to the darkening effect of the oil

*Should you have bleached/blond or dyed hair you do not want to darken, I suggest trying this with caution. The darkening is nothing drastic or overly evident however there is a potential that you will notice your hair getting a little darker so please keep that in mind. 


  • The caffeine helps reduce puffy and dark circles under the eye.
  • Tightens the skin giving you a youthful fresh glow.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties is said to reduces redness in the skin and inflammation.
  • Known to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Known to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
  • Fights free radicals thanks to the antioxidants contained in caffeine.


The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition.  Once you have done that, do patch tests before you put anything all over your head. Please consider this as my advice. You are responsible if you choose to follow some of my methods.

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